October 2024 NetBox Community Meetup

Oct 15, 2024 11:00 am-12:00 pm EDT / 8:00-9:00 am PDT / 4:00-5:00 pm BST

Netbox had a lot of big updates since our last community meetup. We’re excited for all the feedback, questions, and insights we can all share together with the community.

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Featured Guest Speakers

Pieter van Os
Founder, Slurpit.io

Introducing Mockit. Mock’it is an Open-Source device imitator which allows you to simulate all supported Netmiko vendors.


Adam Kirchberger
Technical Consultant, Nomios Group

Making NETCONF automation easier with pytest-netconf. pytest-netconf provides a convenient way to mock the behavior and responses of NETCONF devices for faster development and automated testing.


Why Should You Join a Monthly NetBox Meetup?

Featuring NetBox feature and version updates, demos from fellow community members, and open Q&A on challenges members are facing, the NetBox Community Meetup is a monthly opportunity to connect and learn from your peers.