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A New Look For NetBox and NetBox Labs

The original NetBox Labs brand was created quickly, way back when NetBox Labs was still part of NS1, as the launch of NetBox Cloud resulted in rapid market traction. It became immediately apparent that NetBox deserved to stand on its own and not be one of many products under the NS1 umbrella, and NetBox Labs was born with a simple brand but one that has served NetBox Labs and our community well as we spun out from NS1. Since then, we have accelerated by shipping product, investing in the community, and serving customers globally, with thousands of NetBox Cloud instances now deployed.

It’s become clear that NetBox is a critical technology for organizations large and small, and is the linchpin of modern network and infrastructure management and automation. NetBox has tremendous impact, and the project, product, community, and NetBox Labs as the commercial steward deserve a bold brand that reflects the impact NetBox already has. So, we’ve begun to introduce important changes to the look and feel of NetBox and NetBox Labs.

In considering the NetBox and NetBox Labs brands, we believe it’s important for the brand to highlight the scale and scope of the mission our community and company are pursuing at breakneck pace: to make it easier to build and manage complex networks.  NetBox deserves to stand out.

Our goals in our brand efforts were three-fold:

  1. Come to market with a new bold, clean brand look and feel that mirrors the modernization happening in our customers’ networks
  2. Better align the NetBox and NetBox Labs brands, reflecting NetBox Labs’ role as the commercial steward of the project and community
  3. Break up with “tech blue”

Today we introduced our new branding, including a new brand palette, logos, and typeface. Using a bright teal against a dark background, the new NetBox and NetBox Labs branding stands out, which is exactly what the world’s most popular network source of truth deserves.

If you are reading this blog, you’ve seen this new brand integrated across our site (with some final “day two” changes to come) and we are hard at work translating it into our product, communication channels, and partner relationships.

There’s lots more to come over the next year, especially through our website, project, and product documentation, and other content. We’ve got big plans to improve navigation and continue to expand upon our growing content library and documentation, while improving discoverability and adding polish.

Our brand look and feel has changed, but we remain the same NetBox Labs — a laser-focused team of committed professionals partnering with our community and aimed at making it easier than ever to build and manage complex networks. We are a product company, and you can expect to continue hearing about new innovative features and capabilities for network management and network automation coming to market, investments in the NetBox community, and growth in our customer and partner base. 

The future of NetBox Labs is bold and we remain as excited and committed as ever to our community and our mission. Sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop about all the exciting news to come.

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