Getting Started with Network Test Automation: NetBox + pyATS + Genie

In a recent webinar we explored how to get started with network test automation using NetBox, pyATS and Genie, and this blog is a reference to accompany the webinar. In the webinar we covered:

  • Introduction to NetBox, pyATS and Genie: What each of these amazing tools can do and how they fit together in a modern network automation solution.
  • Using NetBox as a Dynamic Inventory Source for pyATS: How to integrate NetBox with pyATS for efficient testbed file creation.
  • Automated Network Testing: How to get started validating your network state by automating some simple pre and post change network testing.

There is also a Git repository which contains all the example code used, so you can follow along on your own laptop.

Benefits of Automated Network Testing

There are so many benefits to be realised as network engineers by adopting automation, and here are just few related specifically to automated network testing:

  • Easy Pre + Post change validation
  • Quicker Mean Time to Innocence (prove it’s not the network)
  • Stateful validation of device operational status
  • Build a safety-net of scalable, data-driven and reusable tests
  • Find out what changed when there is an outage
  • It’s easy to get started and is a lot of fun!
  • It will make your life easier and save you time (automate the boring stuff)
  • It will enhance your career (become a Network Engineering rock star!)

Automation Requires a Network Source of Truth (NSoT)

To perform network automation at any sort of scale requires an NSOT, which is a representation of the intended configuration and state of the devices, connections, and services of the network. It captures intended state – different than operational state and uses a structured, cohesive, comprehensive data model for network intent, which forces completeness and correctness in design, planning, configuration management, operations.

NetBox – Your Network Source of Truth

NetBox is your system of record for network management & automation – it allows you to eliminate spreadsheets, break down DCIM & IPAM data silos, and accelerate network automation with a REST API, GraphQL interface, Webhooks, Event Streams etc.

A Modern Network Automation Architecture

Before diving into pyATS, let’s just start by exploring what a modern network automation architecture looks like:

Starting in the center, NetBox as the network source of truth contains the intended state of the network and other tools will interact with the source of truth to either change or extract the Intended state. 

When a change to the intended state is made either by an operator directly in NetBox or by another tool such as a CMDB or ticketing system, this will then initiate an update to the network automation tools. 

Network automation tools (such as pyATS) query NetBox for the intended state of the network as stored in the NetBox database – this can be for both inventory data and configuration state data. The automation tools then deploy the intended state out to the network devices themselves or run tests against them.

Monitoring, Assurance and Testing tools (such as pyATS) then compare the actual observed state of the network to the intended state of the network as defined in NetBox.

When a delta between states is detected, then action can be taken, either in the form of  an alert to a messaging platform so an engineer can take action or directly to automation tooling to remediate and restore the network back to the intended state. 

pyATS – Python Automated Test Systems

pyATS is a Python3 based test automation infrastructure, which started as an internal Cisco Engineering tool, and now millions of CI/CD, sanity, regression, scale, HA, and solution tests are run on a monthly basis at Cisco with pyATS. It is now available externally (via Python PyPI), and is compatible with existing tooling and infrastructure. It is suitable for agile, rapid development iterations and can be used in a wide variety of testing scenarios. Read more at

There are many layers to the overall testing framework. pyATS is the foundation for testing where inventories and topologies are defined. Genie sits above it parsing the output of show commands run against network devices into structured data. The top layer includes business logic and integrations with other systems, plus XPRESSO which is a full blown web application that drives your testing and reporting.

The pyATS Testbed File

The pyATS testbed file defines the devices, connection details and topology of the network under test – think Ansible or Nornir inventory files. Here is an example testbed file with a single device in it:

# testbed.yaml
    alias: CSR1
        protocol: ssh
        password: '%ENV{DEF_PYATS_PASS}'
        username: '%ENV{DEF_PYATS_USER}'
    os: iosxe
    platform: iosxe
    type: CSR1000V
        alias: CSR1_GigabitEthernet1
        type: ethernet
        alias: CSR1_GigabitEthernet2
        link: cable_num_34
        type: ethernet

Testbed files can be created manually or automatically and for NetBox integration we create them automatically via the NetBox API using the device data stored in NetBox – so there is no need to manually created your testbed files! One thing to note is that the device name in the testbed yaml file MUST match the configured hostname of the device – I got burned by this and hopefully this warning will prevent the same happening to you!

pyATS and NetBox

With the pyATS testbed file built dynamically from the NetBox device data, the pyATS host can now run automated network tests against the network devices themselves.

Set Up and Installation

Follow these steps to get everything set up:

  1. Clone the Git repo and change into the netbox-pyats-webinar directory:
git clone
cd netbox-learning/netbox-pyats-webinar

2. Create and activate Python 3 virtual environment:

python3 -m venv ./venv
source venv/bin/activate

3. Install PyATS:

As per the official documentation, there are a options to perform a minimal installation (option 1) or a full installation (opton 2).

Option 1 Minimal install that includes the Genie library and that allows you to use the interactive testbed creation command to create your testbed files from NetBox:

pip install pyats[library]
pip install pyats.contrib

Option 2 Full installation that includes all packages and libraries:

pip install pyats[full]

Note If you are using Zsh on a Mac then you need to quote the install string (this had me stuck for a long time until I figured it out!)

pip install "pyats[full]"

Note if you plan to run the example script then you will also need to install the prettytable library with pip install prettytable or you can simply run the command pip install -r requirements.txt to install this along with pyATS, Genie and the contrib library.

There is also a PyATS Docker Image. This command will pull down the container if you don’t have it locally and drop you into a Bash shell:

docker run -it ciscotestautomation/pyats:latest /bin/bash

Lab Network

Our lab network consists of 2 x Cisco CSR100V routers and they are documented in NetBox under the Site PyATS Webinar and are directly connected to each other over port GigabitEthernet2 on the subnet. They are both running OSPF, and you can find the the configuration for this in the file:

Generating The Testbed file Dynamically from NetBox Inventory

Option 1 Use the pyats create testbed netbox command to build your testbed file. Note that where a value is prefixed with os.getenv or %ENV then these values are being pulled in from the local environment variables that you need to set with the export command eg. export NETBOX_URL= DEF_PYATS_USER=admin:

pyats create testbed netbox \
--output testbed.yaml \
--netbox-url=${NETBOX_URL} \
--user-token=${NETBOX_USER_TOKEN} \
--def_user='%ENV{DEF_PYATS_USER}' \
--def_pass='%ENV{DEF_PYATS_PASS}' \
--url_filter='site=pyats-webinar' \

In this example we are generating a testbed file called testbed.yaml and filtering NetBox by the site name pyats-webinar. When you hit enter the output will look like this:

Begin retrieving data from netbox...
Configuring testbed default credentials.
Retrieving associated data for CSR1...
Retrieving associated data for CSR2...
Testbed file generated: 

Option 2 Run the Python script. Note that where a value is prefixed with os.getenv or %ENV then these values are being pulled in from the local environment variables that you need to set with the export command eg. export NETBOX_URL= DEF_PYATS_USER=admin.

In this script we are generating a testbed file called testbed.yaml and filtering NetBox by the site name pyats-webinar, but you could just as easily filter on other fields as in the examples commented out:

# Description: This script generates a testbed file based on the Netbox data
#              using the pyATS framework. It uses the Netbox class from the
#              pyats.contrib.creators.netbox module to create the testbed file.

# Import the necessary libraries
from pyats.contrib.creators.netbox import Netbox
import yaml
import os

# Define Netbox URL, user token, and default credentials
netbox_url = os.getenv('NETBOX_URL')
user_token = os.getenv('NETBOX_USER_TOKEN')
def_user = '%ENV{DEF_PYATS_USER}'
def_pass = '%ENV{DEF_PYATS_PASS}'
url_filter = 'site=pyats-webinar'
# url_filter = 'site_id=68'
# url_filter = 'site=pyats-webinar&os=ios-xe'
# url_filter = 'platform=ios-xe'

# Create testbed object and build data structure
nb_testbed = Netbox(

# Generate testbed file
tb = nb_testbed._generate()
tb_yaml = yaml.dump(tb)
with open("testbed.yaml", "w") as f:

The resulting testbed file produced by either option will look something like this, depending on your network. Note that as we included the --topology switch the testbed file output includes the interfaces and connections from NetBox also:

    alias: CSR1
        protocol: ssh
        password: '%ENV{DEF_PYATS_PASS}'
        username: '%ENV{DEF_PYATS_USER}'
    os: iosxe
    platform: iosxe
    type: CSR1000V
    alias: CSR2
        protocol: ssh
        password: '%ENV{DEF_PYATS_PASS}'
        username: '%ENV{DEF_PYATS_USER}'
    os: iosxe
    platform: iosxe
    type: CSR1000V
      password: '%ENV{DEF_PYATS_PASS}'
      username: '%ENV{DEF_PYATS_USER}'
        alias: CSR1_GigabitEthernet1
        type: ethernet
        alias: CSR1_GigabitEthernet2
        link: cable_num_34
        type: ethernet
        alias: CSR1_GigabitEthernet3
        type: ethernet
        alias: CSR1_GigabitEthernet4
        type: ethernet
        alias: CSR1_GigabitEthernet5
        type: ethernet
        alias: CSR2_GigabitEthernet1
        type: ethernet
        alias: CSR2_GigabitEthernet2
        link: cable_num_34
        type: ethernet
        alias: CSR2_GigabitEthernet3
        type: ethernet
        alias: CSR2_GigabitEthernet4
        type: ethernet
        alias: CSR2_GigabitEthernet5
        type: ethernet

Structured Data Vs Unstructured Data

When you run a command at the CLI of a network device, you get unstructured data back as the response, which is just a blob of text:

CSR1#sh ip interface brief 
Interface              IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
GigabitEthernet1       YES manual up                    up      
GigabitEthernet2     YES manual up                    up      
Loopback0             YES manual up                    up  

This is great for humans, as we can read this, but a computer cannot understand this data. Also if the next version of the OS you are using makes a change to the way that the output is formatted then you will have a problem and have to re-write your scripts to handle this. This is where the Genie Parser comes into play as it will parse the output into structured data. The data is then represented using key/value pairs in JSON format that can be used by a computer:

  "interface": {
    "GigabitEthernet1": {
      "interface_is_ok": "YES",
      "ip_address": "",
      "method": "manual",
      "protocol": "up",
      "status": "up"
    "GigabitEthernet2": {
      "interface_is_ok": "YES",
      "ip_address": "",
      "method": "manual",
      "protocol": "up",
      "status": "up"
    "Loopback0": {
      "interface_is_ok": "YES",
      "ip_address": "",
      "method": "manual",
      "protocol": "up",
      "status": "up"

Running Your First Tests With The Genie CLI

Genie Parsing

There are parsers available for a large number of network OS’s (not just Cisco), and you can view the complete list here In this example we will run the genie parse command to parse the output of the show ip ospf neighbor command and limit it to just device CSR1:

genie parse 'show ip ospf neighbor' --testbed-file testbed.yaml --device CSR1
  0%|                                                                                                                                                                | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]{
  "interfaces": {
    "GigabitEthernet2": {
      "neighbors": {
        "": {
          "address": "",
          "dead_time": "00:00:34",
          "priority": 1,
          "state": "FULL/DR"

This will output the parsed data to your terminal, but if you want to save the output just append the directory you wish to save it to with the --output switch. This will save both the _console file (the unstructured data) and the _parsed file (the structured data), along with the connection_ log (the raw output of the full connection process) into the chosen directory:

genie parse 'show ip ospf neighbor' --testbed-file testbed.yaml --device CSR1 --output csr1
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:01<00:00,  1.01s/it]
| Genie Parse Summary for CSR1                                                 |
|  Connected to CSR1                                                           |
|  -  Log: csr1/connection_CSR1.txt                                            |
|  Parsed command 'show ip ospf neighbor'                                      |
|  -  Parsed structure: csr1/CSR1_show-ip-ospf-neighbor_parsed.txt             |
|  -  Device Console:   csr1/CSR1_show-ip-ospf-neighbor_console.txt            |

Genie Learning

In this example we will run the genie learn command to learn all about routing and ospf for both devices in our testbed file. We will also save the output into directory called pre-change. Genie will automagically create directories for us if they don’t already exist.

For reference if you run the genie learn all command then for IOS-XE devices the list of features learned is:

acl, arp, bgp, device, dot1x, eigrp, fdb, hsrp, igmp, interface, isis, lag, lisp, lldp, mcast, mld, msdp, nd, ntp, ospf, pim, platform, prefix_list, rip, route_policy, routing, static_routing, stp, terminal, utils, vlan, vrf, vxlan, config
genie learn routing ospf --testbed-file testbed.yaml --output pre-change  

Learning '['routing', 'ospf']' on devices '['CSR1', 'CSR2']'
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:11<00:00,  5.85s/it]
| Genie Learn Summary for device CSR1                                          |
|  Connected to CSR1                                                           |
|  -   Log: pre-change/connection_CSR1.txt                                     |
|  Learnt feature 'routing'                                                    |
|  -  Ops structure:  pre-change/routing_iosxe_CSR1_ops.txt                    |
|  -  Device Console: pre-change/routing_iosxe_CSR1_console.txt                |
|  Learnt feature 'ospf'                                                       |
|  -  Ops structure:  pre-change/ospf_iosxe_CSR1_ops.txt                       |
|  -  Device Console: pre-change/ospf_iosxe_CSR1_console.txt                   |

| Genie Learn Summary for device CSR2                                          |
|  Connected to CSR2                                                           |
|  -   Log: pre-change/connection_CSR2.txt                                     |
|  Learnt feature 'routing'                                                    |
|  -  Ops structure:  pre-change/routing_iosxe_CSR2_ops.txt                    |
|  -  Device Console: pre-change/routing_iosxe_CSR2_console.txt                |
|  Learnt feature 'ospf'                                                       |
|  -  Ops structure:  pre-change/ospf_iosxe_CSR2_ops.txt                       |
|  -  Device Console: pre-change/ospf_iosxe_CSR2_console.txt                   |

Making a Change to The Network

Let’s make a small change to the CSR2 router in our test network, and remove the network area 0 statement from the OSPF configuration:

CSR2#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
CSR2(config)#router ospf 1
CSR2(config-router)#no network area 0

Next lets re-learn routing and ospf for both devices in our testbed file. We will also save the output into directory called post-change:

genie learn routing ospf --testbed-file testbed.yaml --output post-change                  

Learning '['routing', 'ospf']' on devices '['CSR1', 'CSR2']'
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:11<00:00,  5.84s/it]
| Genie Learn Summary for device CSR1                                          |
|  Connected to CSR1                                                           |
|  -   Log: post-change/connection_CSR1.txt                                    |
|  Learnt feature 'routing'                                                    |
|  -  Ops structure:  post-change/routing_iosxe_CSR1_ops.txt                   |
|  -  Device Console: post-change/routing_iosxe_CSR1_console.txt               |
|  Learnt feature 'ospf'                                                       |
|  -  Ops structure:  post-change/ospf_iosxe_CSR1_ops.txt                      |
|  -  Device Console: post-change/ospf_iosxe_CSR1_console.txt                  |

| Genie Learn Summary for device CSR2                                          |
|  Connected to CSR2                                                           |
|  -   Log: post-change/connection_CSR2.txt                                    |
|  Learnt feature 'routing'                                                    |
|  -  Ops structure:  post-change/routing_iosxe_CSR2_ops.txt                   |
|  -  Device Console: post-change/routing_iosxe_CSR2_console.txt               |
|  Learnt feature 'ospf'                                                       |
|  -  Ops structure:  post-change/ospf_iosxe_CSR2_ops.txt                      |
|  -  Device Console: post-change/ospf_iosxe_CSR2_console.txt                  |

Genie Diff

Now let’s use the genie diff command to tell us what changed in our network, and we will store the output in a directory called routing-diff:

genie diff pre-change post-change --output diff 
1it [00:00, 333.44it/s]
| Genie Diff Summary between directories pre-change/ and post-change/          |
|  File: routing_iosxe_CSR2_ops.txt                                            |
|   - Identical                                                                |
|  File: ospf_iosxe_CSR1_ops.txt                                               |
|   - Identical                                                                |
|  File: routing_iosxe_CSR1_ops.txt                                            |
|   - Diff can be found at diff/diff_routing_iosxe_CSR1_ops.txt                |
|  File: ospf_iosxe_CSR2_ops.txt                                               |
|   - Diff can be found at diff/diff_ospf_iosxe_CSR2_ops.txt                   |

There are differences in the outputs of both the routing_iosxe_CSR1_ops.txt and ospf_iosxe_CSR2_ops.txt files and we can view the contents of those files to see what has changed:

cat diff/diff_routing_iosxe_CSR1_ops.txt 
--- pre-change/routing_iosxe_CSR1_ops.txt
+++ post-change/routing_iosxe_CSR1_ops.txt
-       active: True
-       metric: 2
-       next_hop:
-        next_hop_list:
-         1:
-          index: 1
-          next_hop:
-          outgoing_interface: GigabitEthernet2
-          updated: 03:32:43
-       route:
-       route_preference: 110
-       source_protocol: ospf
-       source_protocol_codes: O%  
cat diff/diff_ospf_iosxe_CSR2_ops.txt   
--- pre-change/ospf_iosxe_CSR2_ops.txt
+++ post-change/ospf_iosxe_CSR2_ops.txt
-          Loopback0:
-           bfd:
-            enable: False
-           cost: 1
-           demand_circuit: False
-           enable: True
-           interface_type: loopback
-           name: Loopback0% 

As we can see, CSR1 has lost the the route to the prefix and on CSR2 the interface lo0 has been removed from OSPF area 0.

pyATS and Python

As you would expect, it is also very easy to work with pyATS and python. Type python in your terminal, and then start by importing the load module from the genie.testbed library and load the testbed file:

from genie.testbed import load
testbed = load('testbed.yaml') 

Then connect to the CSR1 device:

device = testbed.devices['CSR1']

Then parse the command show ip interface brief and print the output nicely using the pprint library:

parsed_data = device.parse('show ip interface brief')
from pprint import pprint 
{'interface': {'GigabitEthernet1': {'interface_is_ok': 'YES',
                                    'ip_address': '',
                                    'method': 'manual',
                                    'protocol': 'up',
                                    'status': 'up'},
               'GigabitEthernet2': {'interface_is_ok': 'YES',
                                    'ip_address': '',
                                    'method': 'manual',
                                    'protocol': 'up',
                                    'status': 'up'},
               'Loopback0': {'interface_is_ok': 'YES',
                             'ip_address': '',
                             'method': 'manual',
                             'protocol': 'up',
                             'status': 'up'}}}

Lastly, close the connection to the device:


As you can imagine, the possibilities are endless and you can see an example of a script that gets and prints OSPF Neighbor table for a given device in the file Run the script and you will get a nicely formatted table of the OSPF neighbors for CRS1:


OSPF Neighbor Table for CSR1
|    Interface     | Neighbor |   Address   |  State  |
| GigabitEthernet2 |  | | FULL/DR |

pyATS Test Scripts and Jobs

So far we have only scratched the surface of what you can do with pyATS, and test scripts will take your automated testing to the next level. Test scripts are written and executed with the AEtest Python package

I have included an example test script called, which is adapted from the example script in the official documentation. This script tests that both CSR1 and CSR2 can ping each other’s loopback addresses. Test scripts are structured Python files that contain/describe the testing you want to do. A clean, elegant test script is scalable, and generates easy-to-read test results and logs.

To run the example test script, you must also specify the testbed file that is to be used, for example:

python --testbed testbed.yaml

Once the test script has been run then the results are displayed in the output:

2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: |                               Detailed Results                               |
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO:  SECTIONS/TESTCASES                                                      RESULT   
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: .
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: |-- common_setup                                                          PASSED
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: |   |-- check_topology                                                    PASSED
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: |   `-- establish_connections                                             PASSED
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: |       |-- Step 1: Connecting to CSR1                                    PASSED
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: |       `-- Step 2: Connecting to CSR2                                    PASSED
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: |-- PingTestcase[device=device1]                                          PASSED
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: |   |-- ping[destination=]                                     PASSED
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: |   `-- ping[destination=]                                     PASSED
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: |-- PingTestcase[device=device2]                                          PASSED
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: |   |-- ping[destination=]                                     PASSED
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: |   `-- ping[destination=]                                     PASSED
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: `-- common_cleanup                                                        PASSED
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO:     `-- disconnect                                                        PASSED
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO:         |-- Step 1: Disconnecting from CSR1                               PASSED
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO:         `-- Step 2: Disconnecting from CSR2                               PASSED
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: |                                   Summary                                    |
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO:  Number of ABORTED                                                            0 
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO:  Number of BLOCKED                                                            0 
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO:  Number of ERRORED                                                            0 
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO:  Number of FAILED                                                             0 
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO:  Number of PASSED                                                             4 
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO:  Number of PASSX                                                              0 
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO:  Number of SKIPPED                                                            0 
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO:  Total Number                                                                 4 
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO:  Success Rate                                                            100.0% 
2024-04-23T11:50:16: %AETEST-INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

pyATS Jobs take test scripts to another level and allow the execution of test scripts as tasks. This is beyond the scope of this webinar/repo but you can read all about pyATS jobs in the official docs

If you’ve got this far, first of all well done and thanks for reading! If you have any feedback or suggestions then please feel free raise a Github issue in the repo.

Learn More in our On-Demand Webinar

Hopefully you now have a good understanding of how pyATS and NetBox work together seamlessly to power automated network testing. If you would like to see everything I have covered in this blog in action, simply the register for the on-demand webinar. Lastly, don’t forget to check out the NetBox Learning Git Repo for all the code used in this blog, as well as other great NetBox Learning resources.

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